West Allis, Wisconsin

West Allis WI is the place to be – to be fed, to be nostalgic, to be happy! John thought he knew West Allis because of its Allis Chalmers roots and its new foodie vibe. He didn’t know he’d find military collectibles, tons of shops, a hub for artists and innovative manufacturers. This city should be renamed Best Allis!

Extras and Extended Cuts

Featured Locations Include:


Mark Lutz – Becher Street Shops

Cook’s Cake and Candy Supplies

Blast Cleaning Technologies

Liberace Childhood Home

Grebe’s Bakery

Cream City Clay

Ultratwist Vintage

Wild Roots

Treat Street – Aggie’s/Pete’s/Carrie’s

Military Collectibles Shop

Frank Seneca – historic gas station

Zuehlsdorf Woodworks

Swoop – bungee fitness

PB&J Deli

Ope! Brewing Co.